Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Physical prowess and strength

Might is right
In more primitive times, a man exhibiting great strength or physical prowess would earn the admiration and respect of people. He would tend to become the leader when it comes to leading hunting expeditions and similar such activities. In those simpler times, the problem of hunting required physical strength and agility and dexterity. The one therefore who could bring home the meat would be an important personage indeed. As communities prosper there arises a need to organize for the common welfare and protection. The cultivation of hunting skills led to the development of warrior skills as well since the two functions utilize the same skills and abilities.

A man who has the capability to kill others becomes someone to be feared and respected. When he is able to defend his tribe from the marauding raids of other tribes then his fame increases. This probably led to the development of the Warrior as supreme leader or king. From the different cultures and from different parts of the world this phenomenon can be observed and became quite widespread and universally accepted.

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