Monday, June 05, 2006

Waves and Particles

Nothing rests. Everything moves
It is said that the only constant is change. This sounds like two contradictory ideas: constant=change. If it is constant then how can it change? If it changes then how can it be said to be constant? Yet we know without being quantum physicists that everything changes. We can, from empirical observation tell that a day which seems to be like other days is really different from the other days we have seen. So a day which is called a day is really a different day. Sounds confusing? or maybe even trivial? This however, is the very nature of the universe. It is made up of waves and vibrations. Physics tells us that there is very little difference between a particle and a wave although a particle ought to be the opposite of a wave But on observation a wave sometimes exhibits the behaviour and characteristics of a particle and the same is observed of the particle when it behaves like a wave.

A garden of only white flowers becomes boring quite easily
When one plants a garden one makes sure that there are more than just one type of flower and that also goes for colors.. One tries to find uniqueness and tries various techniques to produce hybrids from two different parents. Man somehow tries to mimic nature which creates varieties profusely. From a simple element: hydrogen which has only one electron orbiting its nucleus comes other elements like oxygen, helium, carbon and many others with ever increasingly-complex structures. Electrons do not stay with one nucleus in its lifetime but gets bumped and driven away and meets and merges with another nucleus fo form another element or maybe just a variation of that element as in the case of ozone, a variation of oxygen which has three electrons instead of the usual two in the garden-variety, run-of-the-mill oxygen.

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