Changes in the seat of power
The ascendancy of Intellectuals.
It might have been physical strength or strategic ability that gave rise to the rule of Warrior-kings but as minds evolve and societies grow in sophistication, the arena shifts to the realm of the intellect as the main sources of power. Long before they wielded power themselves directly intellectuals have had a pivotal role in the decision-making processes of kingdoms, empires and tribes. A leader would have his wizard or shaman or seer who would help him decide a course of action. The final say would stil be had by the king who could arbitrarily put to death anyone who displeases him. This gives rise to the system of courtiers, bureaucrats and civil servants who help run the day to day affairs of the state.Very early on in the evolution of power, God was always a handy tool to invoke hence, the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings. Very often, kings would invoke the divine favor bestowed on them by stating the obvious: i am king hence God wants me to be king. Taken to the extreme would be the claim of being descended from God himself. This would silence even the most vociferous critics who are every bit as superstitious as everyone else. Elaborate rituals would be performed where the king would invoke his divine abilities usually in the matter of agriculture and general prosperity.
The data needed for his mysterious rituals would be provided by his priests who also happened to be scientists in their own right. Priests would perform this elaborate exercise on a regular basis. Pretty soon priests would turn the tables on the kings and become the actual leaders themselves. We find examples of this in Egypt, South America and in the rise of the Holy Roman Empire for christians and the rule of the Imams in the Islamic world.
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