The Ideal World - Utopia
I cannot find Utopia on any map. It doesn't seem to exist anywhere at all in this planet except maybe in the minds of countless people who wish for something better than their sorry lot. There is a lot of strife everywhere and even in sleep one cannot find refuge from the struggles of daily life. Dreams of conflict invade our slumber and keep us from ever finding that peace we so fervently long for. The ideal world is a funny place. There is not one world but many. A guy who has lost a few of his marbles once declared America to be heaven on earth and when pressed for a reason for this pronouncement he said, "There is free love in America".
Refresh your memories of these sites: The Blog Park, Fear, Sex, Eating and Sleeping, Dreams, Making Money Online, Rails Brought Me To Seaside.
It is very easy to think of something better for everyone when one is constantly dreaming. Confronted with the harshness of reality, idealism often gets relegated to the anonymous background deep in the recesses of a hopeless mind and often when it surfaces, it manifests as griping and whining.
This is Ching's World, Cagayan de Oro City, Cebu City, Dumaguete, Papoy, Moira Trinity. There is a lot to be found in these pages. Come in and enjoy.
Labels: Cagayan de Oro City, Ching's World, dreaming, griping, ideal world, utopia, whining